Saturday, July 29, 2006

Yummy greens...

I recently discovered the beauty of the color green after winning this on e-bay:

Isn't that yummy? It's from handpainted yarns. I've been dreaming of what shawl this may become. I've got about 1500 yards, which should allow me to make a good size shawl. Any suggestions?

Then today I got my package from my flip flop pal Missy:

How spoiled am I? And look at all the green! How did you know Missy? Missy included so many goodies: a huge bag (which a knitter & a mom always needs), green flip flops, really cute, fun flip flop goodies (I searched for these for her package & couldn't find anything), a very interesting book for me & one for the boys, some yummy Trekking xxl (do you see the green in it?), and the pattern for flip flop socks (which I made last year for Q, but never actually printed the pattern. I will knit these again!). Thank you so much Missy! I love my goodies!

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Finally I'm posting the socks I made for Q to wear on July 4th:

The picture was taken much later at our house. In the picture you can also see Q's garage sale find hat that he loves. And do you see our tiny strawberry's? My Dad planted some for me & they are a favorite of mine. Yummy.

I'm currently knitting Catherine's new pattern:

This is the wide scarf version, but it will be more shawl size for me. I'm using Cotton Fleece & went up to a size 10 needle. The picture does not do this pattern justice, it is a fun, beautiful knit. I'm excited to wear it while welcoming fall (doesn't it feel too soon to be seeing school supplies everywhere though?).

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

J is for Jack

Last week after finishing my sisters shawl (& Q's socks which I will post soon...), I wanted more lace. And how perfect that I found sweet somethings:

The little arrowhead shawl from Interweave Knits (summer 2006), knit with Southwest Trading Bamboo yarn. This was a quick knit (took 2 days), and a great lace project. But the best thing about this pattern is that I was able to knit it while chatting with friends. I will knit this pattern again, as soon as I decide which yarn to use.

And pictured here with Jack, our cat. (He's looking at Jill, our other cat. She's shy.) I love the carpet they are laying on too. The only carpet in the house, it will remain on my steps as a memento to the decade of my birth: the 70s.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I is for Independence

I need to catch up on my ABCs and my blog, don't I? (somehow I think I lost a post too...) Independence seems fitting for the letter I this time of year. It also is perfect for descriping what my now 14 year old niece is striving for:

(the picture shows 'growing-up-too-fast' niece with the blond hair & her cake. We also celebrated Z's birthday - she is in the background with candles still lit).

This family trip also allowed me to gift my sister her birthday shawl. (Fiber Trends Stars & Stripes. Knit with Wool in the Woods yarn: ballet in the color military blue.)

A quick closeup before I left. I didn't realize that the settings are off on my camera though & therefore it's blurry. Blocking this made me realize some things: I love lace & I want these.