Saturday, September 03, 2005

Counting down

Today my boys and I spent way too much time putting all their school supplies together. Organizing it the way they wanted it, labeling everything, and trying to figure out where to find bags that are 2 quart size. (found the 2 gallon size ones). My oldest son didn't want me to label anything with his name, while my younger son insisted we label everything. When it came to the very cool pencil cases their Opa got them, I finally managed to impress my oldest son. I followed his instructions and embroidered his first initial twice:

It's a Q and a backwards Q. (think mirror...hehe). My younger son is still busy trying to decide exactly how he wants me to embroider his name. There are so many ways, how can you choose just one?
In knitting news: It's basically all about socks still. I am starting to plan Christmas gifts though. And I hope to knit some Christmas stockings for the boys too.
I did finish a pair earlier in the week. (remember the yarn ick?). Here they are drying:

And a 'better' shot of them on top of the washing machine:

Not the best pictures, sorry. By the way, has everyone seen the new Magknits? I think I want to knit all their patterns. And I'm very excited that Magknits will start publishing new patterns every month. (how does Kerrie do it with 2 kids, a job, and now Hipknits too?). Anne also is offering a beautiful new sock pattern. I hope to knit a pair of these soon too.
So, the countdown for the 1st day of school is on. Only 3 sleeps away. The big question of course is whether or not my boys will remain as excited when they have to get up very early on that 1st day?


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