Sunday, March 05, 2006

The fun we have....

Close to the end of the Olympics, Q realized that maybe they were cool. M had been humoring me all along and watching them with me, but not Q. My can't-breathe-without-sports son didn't want to be bothered with watching, until they were almost over. Isn't that how it always goes? He did however build an Olympic torch in our front yard. I love when they do unique things all on their own.

The 3rd pair of Olympic socks were for M. Technically I never did watch the Olympics while knitting these, but they were knit during the time. (remember the long hours in the car?). They were knit with Regia mini-ringel, which I now love. Aren't those stripes cool? (56 sts; magic-loop toe-up; 3x1 ribbing; short-row toes & heels).


Blogger jessica said...

Oh my, I'm gone for a few days and I have 4 posts to catch up on. Ahhh.;o)

I'm gald you got to see your best friend, that must have been great! What lovely socks you have been knitting, I love them all. Have I ever told you that 3x1 rib is my fav for baby/toddler/ well really any size hats?! I love it and think I'm going to make some socks like yours... If I ever get the chance;o) Love the picture of you and your brother, its priceless, hehe, no really it is. Well it was good catching up with you and your blog, til next time!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Catherine Kerth said...

look at all that snow! FUN!!!! love the socks... man, you are becoming a sock machine!

8:27 AM  

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