Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Back from a fun get-away

We are back from our fun mini-vacation. We managed to do a lot and had a great time. My sons are now even more in love with their new aunt, who, along with my brother, spoiled them with lots of walks, trips to the park, and even got on their skateboards. (she is much braver than I!)

My brother took us to a new museum, where we found a fun table:

and upon looking closer I found this:

and this:

Knitted food!
We were very spoiled all weekend by much better tasting food:

And the boys even enjoyed helping with dishes:

My friend Dee stopped by to see us too and someone got early birthday gifts:

He was a very happy boy, who is now counting the days until he turns 7.
I was able to wander through 2 knitting shops. It was fun to see the different yarn, look through books, and get my brain dreaming of new projects. I found the yarn for my sockapalooza socks and the needles I needed to finish some socks that have been neglected.
But after a very fun time, it was also good to be home again.


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