Friday, December 29, 2006

Still knitting away...

I know I've been neglecting my blog. Frustration with my computers, camera, etc led to me just ignoring it all. But thanks to all of you that let me know I was missed!

Let's start with some knitting....
A shawl for my knitting buddy. Maureen knits amazing lace & has inspired me. (and encouraged me). It only seemed fitting to give her a shawl I knit. It's the Swallowtail Shawl by Evelyn Clark from Fall 2006 Interweave Knits. Knit in Misti Alpaca & Maureen's favorite color.

Look my first nupps!

Continuing with some showing off:

My father organized a Christmas play at his job. My sons were shepherds:

Aren't they handsome? (I've been told I can no longer call them cute. They are too old for that. Sniff.) Q is holding the cutest baby lamb.

And amazing presents:

Some knitting presents! Maureen blew me away by gifting me with Victorian Lace Today (the most beautiful lace book I've ever seen) & kidsilk spray. She just gave them to me today, but I had to start a shawl! And another knitting buddy gave us adorable lambs. Mine has socks on her hands & feet. The card with it says: 'May the incredible love of Jesus knock your socks off!'. How fitting for the season.

I have many other knits to show, plus some cross stitch. I gifted my first (& last) embroidery projects without taking pictures. Perhaps a sign that I need to get back to blogging regularly?