Tuesday, April 19, 2005


While playing yesterday, my boys discovered baby bunnies in our yard. Can you see them? They are hidden, but you can see an eye and ears.

Posted by Hello
How cute are they? I did some research and I think they are around 4 weeks old, ready to leave the nest. This was confirmed this morning when we checked on them before the boys left for school and they were gone. I'm so thankful we were able to witness this little miracle of life yesterday and hope they will return to visit. ;-)

What absolutely amazes me about this is that 4 weeks ago my life took an unexpected turn due to my health. After trying to ignore the return of a chronic illness that had more or less been in remission for 10 years, I ended up in the ER. Suddenly the plans I had for my life were thrown from my hands. I'm trying to heal, still unsure of what will come next. I had been working on completing the degree I started years ago and had to take a leave from school. But, through all this many good things have happened. My faith has become much stronger and I'm forever thankful that God is in control of my life. I've realized that I'm very content and happy with my life. I've been blessed with wonderful children who amaze me every day. As I watch their character develop, I could not be prouder of them. I'm very grateful for my family who do way too much for me. I'm lucky enough to be able to say that my best friend is Dee. She is awesome, and I'm not just saying that cause she will listen to me babble for hours on the phone about my kids and my knitting. (Girl, you need to move here!!).
I don't know if my health will ever return to normal, or what my future holds. I do know that I am blessed and in God's hands. And to witness these baby bunnies has just reaffirmed my outlook on life. While my body may be failing me, life is grand, it is filled with incredible miracles.

I also have officially just had my first non-knitting post. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know you, but I know this...if you are believing God, then you are going in the only direction! I understand the challanges in life which throw us for incredible loop-de-loos...(always the challanged WE didn't plan) but then you find a baby bunny nest and realize that the God who created that wonder also created the wonder of you, and knows exactly how your situation will turn out. Praying for you.

5:57 AM  
Blogger Laura A said...

Best of luck. Life is more beautiful when looking upwards to God through trials. I wish you the best.

11:33 PM  
Blogger Marguerite said...

I've noticed that during difficult times God will put something wonderful and rare (like a bunny nest) in my life as evidence of His love and presence.

Your writing touched me this morning. Thank you.

11:15 AM  

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